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RECENT exhibits (2022-2024)
“First in the Nation”: Portsmouth Presidential Primaries
Portsmuth, NH Athenaeum
Parfitt Photography Exhibition: “Thinking of Home” (Juried)
New Hampshire Art Association, Portsmouth, NH
Iconic New Hampshire
Museum of the White Mountains, Plymouth, NH
The Fine Art of Photography (Juried)
Plymouth Center for the Arts, Plymouth MA
“NH NOW: A Photographic Diary of Life in the Granite State”
Co-Editor of the associated book.
Group Shows
-Portsmouth Historical Society (‘The Matter of Memory’)
-Portsmouth Athenaeum (New Hampshire Primaries)
-Portsmouth Senior Center (‘Looking Back’)
-NHCFP: Annual Exhibits, Exeter NH and Concord NH
-Kittery Art Association (‘Our Town’, ‘Start Fresh’)
My work is represented at:
- Chamber of Commerce (Exeter, NH)
- Kennedy Gallery (Portsmouth, NH)